Tuesday, July 22, 2008


What is the opposite of pride?
Submitting yourself with nothing to hide.
It is having a heart that is lowly and meek,
Praying to God for the answers you seek.
Humbling your soul as you fall to your knees,
Forsaking all sin and asking Him, "Please..."

by Jackee


Wrath, rage, or fury
Gets your blood boiling in a hurry.

by Jackee


Defend, shield, shelter, and protect
Those who provide these, deserve our respect.

by Jackee

Friday, July 18, 2008

Concealed Within

They see beauty
I see ugly
They see confidence
I see self-doubt
Under the image she masks her true self
It's dark, black, and corrupted
They see cheerfulness
I see weakness
They see spirituality
I see sin
Under the painted on portrait is the demon within
She is lost, discarded, and worthless
They see beauty
I see disgrace

by Jackee

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Inside My Heart

A garden, where once wildflowers grew in every color
Where trees and shrubs grew geen and were full of life
Now, they're all dead, brown and dry
The sky is gray and the clouds are still dark
A storm as black as night has just blown through
Bringing with it harsh winds and hail
The garden is cold now

As I walk into the garden I feel sadness come over me
Where did the gardner go?
What has happened here?
This garden needs love and caring
It needs water and light
I feel overwhelmed thinking of all that needs to be done
All the work and time that need to take place
To make this a beautiful garden once more

by Jackee