Saturday, April 30, 2011

Forces of Nature

a sea of tears have filled the tomb where my heart hides
protected from forces that fail to see
what a shame
the feeling is overwhelming
scared to break free from the catacombs
scared to stand exposed and unprotected
will he keep me safe
will he handle with care
my heart cannot know but will trust him once again



the pulling is exhausting
am I coming or going
one step at a time - forward
don't want to look behind
why is it on my heels
breathing down my neck
strange how I run faster
but it always catches up
it must grow tired someday
I will never falter
already traveled that road
left me in the black
resilient and surviving
never going back
keep your hands off me
take your words back
I am persistent
I am strong
quit pulling on my mind
my heart belongs to him
