Tuesday, September 14, 2010

The Most Powerful Force in My Life

The most powerful force in my life has always been God. Whenever things in my life become too difficult for me to handle I know that I can ask him to help me through. He has never left me alone - even in my darkest hours. I'm not really sure how this has shaped the person that I am other than the fact that His "force," His power, His love, I cannot deny. I wish I did embrace God more than I do. I wish that I would turn to Him more - thanking Him for all that He does for me; praying more for the answers I seek and the comfort I long for. Even though I know that He's there, I don't turn to Him or embrace Him enough. I let feelings of pride or unworthiness get in the way. I guess if I embraced Him the way He wants me to I would feel more happiness, healing, and peace in my life.

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